samedi 19 juin 2010

15 june, the day we all waited for...

... and yet not easy to travel with two little boys with 2 flights of 11 and 13.30 hrs, plus 4.30 hrs of transit and car trip to Aucknd and car trip to normandy from Paris. all up about 40hrs of travel non stop, with the usual unexpected, delays, loss of bookings, and any incident you would expect but you don't think about.

the transit in Kuala Lumpur was "interesting" to say the least.

Marco had a terrible headache (probably the air-con in the plane), it was about 1am NZ time then and the boys still didn't have any seep. they were getting a bit touchy!

when I finally manage to get them to sleep it was about 30 min before boarding time...when they announced a further 1.30 hr delay... it was then about 3.30 am NZ time and I started to wonder how I could not go to sleep so as to not miss the plane... as the boarding time got moved again this time the other way, I finaly manage to get some help from the airline crew to carry the boys on board while I was following with the luggages...and then crashed myself for what I was hoping would be a long sleep...

we made it to Paris, landing with 1.30hr delay and catching up with Papy France who got us back to Normandy safe and sound and absolutely chattered.




cool plane...

the remaining of the flooded desert in central australia

watch that sky!
KL boarding lounge

no space left for mum!!!!

Normandy beach, the cousins

Marco and Martin in Deauville

safe and well for the first day in the hexagone.
HI to everybody, think of you all...
Marco Alec Charlotte

some more coming soon

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